A very easy OBE technique that needs some fine tuning
No matter how many years you have been practicing OBE’s, it is very hard to have OBE’s on a consistent daily basis. The techniques we have been taught work well for a small minority. But they don’t work for the majority.
For the last few months, I have been working on fine tuning a very simple OBE technique that would be easy for the majority that required no special abilities or time to perform. I have been making a lot of progress towards my goal.
All you have to do is be tired with a clear mind upon going to sleep. This is the only requirement for success. You don’t need vibrations, meditation, sleep paralysis, trance, intent, or any other requirement.
So far, there are four OBE exit positions that work well to achieve success with this method. The goal is before falling asleep, feel your energy body in a position that is little bit above the head, below the feet, in front of the body, or behind the physical body. Pick one of these positions and hold full awareness in that position.
Hold this position while your physical body falls asleep. If successful, you will feel yourself in a state of blackness or in the bedroom, and then you will feel a jolt when your energy body gets re-united with the physical body.
You can get these results at the beginning of the night and any time in the middle of the night whenever you wake up and go back to sleep. You could potentially have multiple OBE’s every night with very little effort.
This method needs some fine-tuning. There needs to be a way to stay out longer and to have less pull from the physical body. A small night light has helped me sometimes to avoid the blackness in the OBE. I have a small blue night light.
If anyone tries this method, please report any recommendations for improvement. Thanks.
Source: http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welcome_to_out_of_body_experiences/a_very_easy_obe_technique_that_needs_some_fine_tuning-t38413.0.html